
Your Selections Meeting
Sterling Homes offers a wide range of opportunities in styling your home and our selections meeting offers a dedicated time to speak with experienced staff about the final look and feel of your home. With all the options available to you the most important thing is that they all tie in to create your perfect home, and your selections meeting is the best way to do this.
The Sterling Benefit
Our selections centre is your advantage in creating a home. With such an extensive range of all the options a house needs our clients don’t have to drive all around Adelaide to find show rooms. Look at, feel and compare all the options available to you at Sterling Homes.
Our experience, your advantage
With so many options available to you its good to have some experience on your side. Spend some one on one time with our dedicated selections consultant where we will guide you through every step required to ensure your home matches your style.
Stylish, functional and it can all save you money
With the variety of choices available to you, our selections process is one of many ways we can save you money through energy efficiency. Read more on how to make a more environmentally friendly design with the opportunity to save money in the long run.
Sterling Homes always have staff available for any questions at our head office so please feel free to contact us.